So I have been talking on how I am obsessed with Daryl Hall and his show. I originally hated Jason Mraz because his song "I'm Yours" was so overplayed I couldn't stand it and somehow categorised it as cheese. Well I take it all back. He really is a talent and I love his song "I Won't Give Up". See it on Daryl's show here and here are the lyrics. Check it out.
That said, I have to write something very personal. When I came down with pneumonia I was coughing and involuntarily vomiting often. I started not being able to breathe, I was not in a good place mentally or physically. When I really thought I was done for, I called Iva and said take care of Quincy I am calling an ambulance. I really was ready to call this life quits and make amends spiritually and was ready and resigned to see Paul again. I felt this utter sense of peace at that. Then, everyone visited me or reached out to sister, my dad, Iva, friends, family, etc. I felt guilt if I were to leave them. That they would feel hurt for my loss. I tried to get better and listen to the doctor's orders the best I could. During that time, I never felt so alone even with people constantly around me caring for me. I have friends that told me after I snapped out of this dark mental place that they thought my depression was going to kill me because it was affecting me so much physically. I decided one day that if I am going to live the time Paul never had that I have to really live and not live in the past. I also promised myself to never go to that dark place ever again and that Paul would never want that for me. Any excuses for not moving on or guilt were coming from me and me only. Paul (and I realize now also his friends and family) would only want me happy. Well, as crappy as this hurricane is it has made me move forward in ways I never thought I'd be ready for. I don't think I was/am ready but I am giving it my all. I am becoming myself again and smiling and living. I will never lose Paul in my heart. He will always be embedded in my soul with an unbreakable chain. A really beautiful person recently told me that it is not that you are extinguishing the love you had by trying again, but more like the light from one candle is igniting another and spreading the light and love to another and sharing the warmth. I probably have that a bit off, but that is the sense of it. Anyway, being understood and able to share in everything is very important and that is what I am doing both here and in life. I love all my friends and family and want you all in my life. I am just starting a new one with beautiful memories of the most wonderful soul I ever met that taught me life, love and music. I love you Paul and always will. "I won't give up" on myself again or what you have tried to give me...confidence in myself and strength and your love.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
The Light From Your Star is Glowing
So I have been re-obsessed with Daryl Hall lately like I was in my childhood. Butch Walker had made me swoon when he all of a sudden started to cover Rich Girl a few years back. I remember my dad got me Big Bam Boom (I think that was the name) when I was in elementary school. It was one of the only cool music tapes he ever got me on his own. Anyway, after Butch Walker tweeted that he was on one of the episodes of Daryl's show, "Live at Daryl's House", I became beset again. I always loved Daryl's music and so did Paul (which is actually shocking to me). Anyway, we meant to try and see him if he ever played around. It just didn't happen in his lifetime. I watched the song Butch did with Daryl, "Why Was it so Easy" over and over and over and the complexity and chord progressions of that song are incredible. I never noticed that before. I was more into the more commerical songs. Then, I found out that my sister in law was on the label that did one of Hall and Oates's albums. When they were recording the song "Adult Education" they called her in to do some background with a few others so it would sound like school girls. She met both Daryl and John and was impressed. Now I am engrossed with the song "Sara Smile". Never really paid attention to its complexity before and had previously thought it a boring song. Now I see the genious in it...
I can feel you watching in the night
All alone with me and we're waiting for the sunlight
When I feel cold you warm me
And when I feel I can't go on, you come and hold me
It's you and me forever.....
Paul, no matter what, you will be forever embedded in my heart. You will never lose your place.
PS- the title is from "Why was it so Easy" by Daryl Hall.
I can feel you watching in the night
All alone with me and we're waiting for the sunlight
When I feel cold you warm me
And when I feel I can't go on, you come and hold me
It's you and me forever.....
Paul, no matter what, you will be forever embedded in my heart. You will never lose your place.
PS- the title is from "Why was it so Easy" by Daryl Hall.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Wish you were here
Dear Paul,
I feel so lonely all the time and hate that I can't talk to you (well I could but I won't be hearing a response). I miss you so and M. The house is so quiet with just Q and me. Being sick and not being able to do anything and being in the house makes it so much more profound. I love you. I will never understand why you were taken well before your time and I will never get over it or stop loving you. Why?
Title is from Pink Floyd
I feel so lonely all the time and hate that I can't talk to you (well I could but I won't be hearing a response). I miss you so and M. The house is so quiet with just Q and me. Being sick and not being able to do anything and being in the house makes it so much more profound. I love you. I will never understand why you were taken well before your time and I will never get over it or stop loving you. Why?
Title is from Pink Floyd
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Dead to Me
I am extremely upset today. The birth of a child is miraculous and a gift. It isn't supposed to make someone so upset they can't function. It is a Jewish tradition to name a child after a deceased family member. Paul's both parents are deceased as well as him. His niece's first son was named after the husband's (who the husband is Italian and not part of the naming tradition) grandfather and a grandfather on the paternal side that the niece never met and who was supposed to not be very nice. This was instead of grandparents on the maternal side that loved them (not to mention the grandmother, Paul's mother, was a Haulocaust survivor) and a paternal grandmother that they did know and loved and both grandmothers shared the same initial A. When Paul was alive, he was so upset, he didn't see the child or attend the Bris (though we did send a gift with his sister Iva). he would have calmed down but he didn't get the opportunity. I didn't go becasue of Paul's hurt and because I had to work and they gave me no prior notice. Paul died without ever meeting his grandnephew. I met him at Paul's burial. I also met the grandnephew at a Jewish holiday and it made me cry watching them as a happy family as I was miserable. They seemed so not affected by Paul's passing though Paul tried so hard to be a good uncle even though there was only like 10 years age difference between the two. Anyway, the new son was born and I myself told his niece why Paul didn't see the nephew. Though it maybe considered petty by an outsider, Paul was extremely hurt and distraught that they didn't name the son after anyone on the maternal side. Especially when we all discussed names with A and how important it was to him/us before the baby was born. So once the new baby was conceived and the due date was announced to be Paul's birthday, I got extremely upset and so did Iva, so much so that Iva told her sister that if the baby comes on Paul's birthday and isn't named after Paul she is done with them. I tended to agree. Then, I prayed that the baby wouldn't come on Paul's birthday so that they could celebrate every year when I was in utter dispair. They didn't desrve his good name. I and Iva just hoped and prayed the baby would come another day and it would be named after one of the maternal grandparents, even if a middle name. Well, I stayed up well past midnight on Paul's birthday to 3am and then when there was no call the next morning I breathed a sigh of relief. The baby was born today. A message was left on Iva's answering machine and it was mentioned that the baby was not named after Paul on the message and the name is Matthew...M...the same initial used last time for the last baby. I am done. I am now done releasing my grief in words, now I will continue expunging with tears. Paul, if he were still alive, would have never spoken to his niece again if she didn't name now the second son after his parents. Call it petty. Call it what you wish, but when Paul was done he cut you off. He was loyal to a fault, but when he was betrayed, he never forgot. I have to do what he would have wanted me to. I am going to rewrite what was our will today.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Testosterone Poisoning
Yuck. Why do pompous male chauvinistic ugly men who, because they have lots
of money, think they can any woman they want?
This is the guy who came to give a quote to fix my sister in law’s
house. Did I mention that he is married
and bragging about his house, kids and wife.
Triple gross. Also, even worse is
when he checks me out in front of my sister in law as we are talking about my
poor husband’s passing. Of course I am
oblivious to it thank god. Obviously
this guy is hurting for work or he wouldn’t be calling at 8AM the next morning
for pricing he did the night before. On
top of all that, he was upset when I cut him off and finished his sentences while
he was going on and on because I couldn’t wait for him to get to the point with
his slow moving brain. He was even more
pissy when he realized I knew what I was talking about when it comes to
construction. Most males are shocked,
but not so taken aback by it. A girl
with looks and brains and mechanical thinking.
Unheard of in his prehistoric brain.
Like that can’t happen in life. I
wonder if his wife is homely and smart or a bombshell with more weight in her
boobs than her noggin.
This guy reminds me of the girl in the song below...
Did you come up to me
So your night would be cheaper
Did you make up your mind
About me from the start
Did you come here tonight
To find something deeper
Or did you just follow me home
'Cause you're afraid of the dark
--"Last Night" by Carolina Liar
This guy reminds me of the girl in the song below...
Did you come up to me
So your night would be cheaper
Did you make up your mind
About me from the start
Did you come here tonight
To find something deeper
Or did you just follow me home
'Cause you're afraid of the dark
--"Last Night" by Carolina Liar
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Here I come to save the day...Or NOT
I was so exhausted yesterday and dizzy that I decided to work half a day from home. At some point I turned the TV on and Superman III was on. I left it and started looking at the TV every once in a while thinking about how Christopher Reeve was whole and an icon. Then I was remembering him as more of a hero in a wheelchair and vying to help others with spinal injuries like him. Then I got really angry remembering how Paul had run his fundraiser and spoke almost daily with Christopher Reeve's daughter during the process and how he had thought her a friend. What kind of friend doesn't call back or doesn't send an email or a card to the widow of someone who is not only supposed to be their friend but who stood up for the foundation and gave them the money from the charity event (even though Lucky Laces and he did all the work, spent all the money and did all the promotion for the event)? OK, this has been stewing for over a year. Not only did they not mention Paul's passing in any way (just like they never promoted the Charity event themselves), but they never even had a lackey send me a card. Anyway, had to get that out. Oh and I called her work number, her personal cell and sent a text. Lucky Laces alerted her as well. She did not call them or me. Shame on you for tarnishing your good father's name and the foundation he and your mom set up.
PS- the quote today was partially from Mighty Mouse (and it also makes me think of Andy Kaufman who Paul loved).
PS- the quote today was partially from Mighty Mouse (and it also makes me think of Andy Kaufman who Paul loved).
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Summertime In The Void
I have been in a shit mood for days. I think the family get together really upset
me. Everyone was coupled and most with
kids and some with grandkids. Except for
my sister, whose chose it is to be by herself, I was the only one alone. I have never felt so alone. I am lonely and missing Paul something
fierce. I got happy yesterday for about
thirty seconds when I noticed a new I Mother Earth song and that they were on
tour again. I wanted to tell Paul and we
would have figured out a way to get there even if we both went separately so
not to upset Marvin. Then I thought,
this is one more thing Paul didn’t get to see in his lifetime…an IME reunion
and new song. Then I said, who would
even go with me to a show or get IME like we both did? I think about my friends that try to be there
and how I just can’t pick up the phone to talk or be a friend to them. How can I?
I am miserable. How can I listen to
daily goings on or be supportive when people need me? I try as I do, there is a part of me that
just doesn’t give a rats ass about anything.
I just want Paul and Marvin back.
I know I am not moving on as I get lectured by ignorant people and that
make things a million times worst because they don’t get it and hurt me more by
the stupid things they say, meant from the heart or not. I will move on when or if I am ready and not
before. I don’t need to be lectured. I don’t need things pointed out to me. I am a pretty smart person and I see things
as they are and I can turn the mirror on myself better than most. I am allowed to feel like this
sometimes. I feel I have been strong for
a long time. Now I am allowed some few
days of sulking. Sometimes I wish to be
just left alone. I pile on the guilt of
missing out on important things that should mean something to me, but that is
my nature. I hope this blog becomes
useful to some. That is its purpose. I am really not trying to piss anyone off,
just to be very honest and truthful to myself and to get those feelings
expressed so that anyone else going through something similar won’t feel as
alone as I. Yes, I know I am not alone
and that if I am it is of my own making, but the fact is that is how I feel.
“No time or presence
Of mind to wonder why
No time for questions of
Why I wonder why
Something's wrong...again
The noise shakes the ground
Of mind to wonder why
No time for questions of
Why I wonder why
Something's wrong...again
The noise shakes the ground
And then you long
For the days of trippin' down
The long road just reading the
Signs that show you the way to
A higher place you meditate to
Feel the quiet of the earth
That was back
When we used to be alright”
For the days of trippin' down
The long road just reading the
Signs that show you the way to
A higher place you meditate to
Feel the quiet of the earth
That was back
When we used to be alright”
-I Mother Earth (Used to be Alight)
PS- the title is the same of the Song "Summertime in the Void" by I Mother Earth (IME)
Monday, July 2, 2012
You left without a trace. No one can take your place. I'm missing you.
Just found this:
From: uapeople
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2006 2:53 PM
To: Barbara Voss
Subject: you
From: uapeople
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2006 2:53 PM
To: Barbara Voss
Subject: you
i just wanted to let you know that you are like wine!
you get more beautiful every day!
I love you!
PS- title is from Enuff Z'Nuff
Thursday, June 28, 2012
So yes, she died because of me. Because I loved her. Because I had the wrong name....
Didn't feel good yesterday. Such a pounding sinus headache all day. Hopefully I'm not getting sick. Tried to retire early at 8PM. I put the TV on and the English Patient had started 15 minutes prior. I decided to watch it. It was really long and I paused it to take a shower. Well, needless to say it ending at 11:15PM or so and I am crying. I can't sleep becasue the combo of the shower and the sadness that had me crying all over for all those I've lost...and the movie. Good movie though. Slow moving but good. I decide to watch Design Star which I taped previously. Somewhere after midnight I finally fell asleep. Add that to the night before where I just had to start and finish a book the same day it was released. Jeaniene Frost's new book Once Burned is about Vlad Dracul Basarab (the Impaler) who I love love love. She is my favorite author immediately behind Diana Gabaldon (who is one of JF's favorites, too). After that it is a crap shoot for other favorite authors. Charlaine Harris used to be there, but my love has dwindled in the last few books. Anyway, I digress. Hopefully I will not be sick and be rested for my trip to PA tomorrow to see Steve, Keri, Todd and watch Styx.
PS- Today's title is from the English Patient
PS- Today's title is from the English Patient
Monday, June 25, 2012
Butch Walker's post on Paul
our good friend and biggest fan Paul Kuznetz passed away unexpectedly last night. he was a good soul with a rock n roll spirit that could not be contained. me and the Widows send our condolences to the family and hope everyone else will take the time to respect the time you have here on this planet… Paul went too soon…..
much love, Paul.
Butch and the Black Widows
much love, Paul.
Butch and the Black Widows
As You Wish
I have to repost this. Paul and I wanted to both get a black widow spider matching...the one from Butch Walker's band. I just saw this and tears are streaming down my eyes. This is so very sweet and touching and binds Butch and his dad together in one more way. I just have no words. I wish Paul and I had gotten the tattoos. I wish so many things...
PS- the quote is from the Princess Bride
Friday, June 22, 2012
And In My Dreams I'm there by Your Side...
So I wake having this dream where I am walking Marvin on a leash and Paul is with me. We walk into this strange indoor outdoor petstore called or in Hollywood and Ted Knight (the actor) is the owner. It felt at first like we were walking in Rockville Center. The store is easily accessible since there is no walls to the outside. There are these stairs with that fake green grass on top. Marvin is walking like he was a pup so he has no trouble pulling me to the store and up the large 3 steps. Then there are pits like jungle gyms where dogs could get hurt. I went in one to try and get Marvin a treat. Marvin was scared for me. Paul was outside the store just watching. Marvin kept trying to eat or get to the parrots and I was afraid he's get hurt in the weird pits. Haze. Iva and I are watching House Hunters on TV and notcing how crappy an area this gorgous house is in CA and we say that is all we could afford if we moved there. Haze. Paul and I are looking at this house but we are more interested in this crappy basement apartment and trying to figure out how to make it into something an office or a livable apartment.
Then the alarm goes off.
I turn off the house alarm and walk by the fish tank to let Quincy out and the big clown loach is dead. I hadn't seen the smaller one in a week. Now there is only the sucker catfish in this huge tank. Another end of an era.
I open the door and let Quincy out and there are 2 white butterflies kissing and then a third appears.
Just bizarre. Had to share.
PS - Title is from Styx's One with Everything.
Then the alarm goes off.
I turn off the house alarm and walk by the fish tank to let Quincy out and the big clown loach is dead. I hadn't seen the smaller one in a week. Now there is only the sucker catfish in this huge tank. Another end of an era.
I open the door and let Quincy out and there are 2 white butterflies kissing and then a third appears.
Just bizarre. Had to share.
PS - Title is from Styx's One with Everything.
Monday, June 11, 2012
In the end, there's nothing more to life than love is there?
For those of you who always remembered Paul as upbeat and the glass half full kind of guy, he definately had his issues and was very introverted about them. He was tormented at times, but he would never trouble others with his really deep internal struggles, only those at the surface and in the moment. We all have our demons. That place inside that we lock up tight in a box. They are hidden deep in dark recesses to keep ourselves from reaching, remembering or facing them. It is very eerie to see what Paul was seeing in the paintings and that he was wondering what the point of it all was. I think after the second accident when he lost his ability to play music, he was able to see what he lost and what he had around him. If he could talk to us now, he would say that the point of life is love of all things. He tried to give back the best he could and appreciated everything he had. He inspired and praised others and started expressing his feelings. He did know who he was and found that meaning he was looking for. I truly believe that in my heart. He got to do his charity event and even a radio interview for Q104.3 and he forgave all that hurt him in his life. He found old friends and made so many new ones. He found love and he was loved by all. His life was short, but he will be remembered by the so many he touched.
Paul wrote this in a notebook on 1/8/98
I believe I've entered into this to
find some sort of answer. I believe that I have been searching for
something forever. Since my earliest memory, I have found life to be
eccentric and unfullfilling. I've had my dreams shattered, my
beliefs challenged and my perception distorted. What I intend to do
is to record my thoughts and feelings in an attempt to find out who I
am. This will have no order and no pre-thought. It will simply be a
record of thoughts of the moment. The amazing thing is that I
believe I was put here for a reason and I don't know if in a past
life I was different. I don't know if I missed something or let
things slip by. I know that I have more regrets than most. I know
that I am more complex than others, and that I have trouble forgiving
myself. All of us make mistakes, but I make mine more tragic. Maybe
by writing I can find out who I am and I do hope to believe in myself
once again. I describe myself as a kind, sensitive and passionate
individual who hasn't yet found out where I am supposed to go. Each
and every day something new or old comes along and I find myself
questioning what it all means. Maybe one day I'll find out.
Paul wrote a second entry on 2/3/98
A curiosity of failure, a madness for
sadness. Don't know. Looking at some people you wonder the scars,
the stories of tragedy that they have to share. I'm sure that more
of us believe that our scars are more deeper than others. Growing up
a change of life baby of a Holocaust victim certainly inherited my
life with scars from the womb. Paranoia is too consistent. The fear
is so imprinted into the soul.
Yesterday, I was in McDonalds in
Hicksville. At this restaurant there was incredible abstract art
impressions all over the walls. Looking to my left I was drawn to an
image. A mirror. It was me. I looked into the wall, wondered how
many souls were in limbo in that painting. The image, so real, so
frighteningly correct. And I am in limbo. A lost soul. Looking for
something. Anything.
PS- Today's title is from Snow Patrol
Friday, June 8, 2012
Excuse Excuse (said with an Italian accent)
So today's title is from the movie Eurotrip (one of the funniest movies ever IMO). That movie was on the other day followed by another favorite, Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas. Paul and I could watch those two movies over and over and often did just that. Why am I talking about them? I think I am finally going to take Paul's Mini Cooper home this weekend for a "Car Wash...Car Wash Yeah". It needs the inside and out done by hand (when I should be cleaning and steaming the carpets/floors after the Memorial day party), so that is my mission, and damn me I don't accept and do it this weekend. Watch it rains and I can't and I have cursed myself...LOL. It will be a labor of love, but bittersweet as really cleaning it may remove the last smells of Paul (or at least the cigarette smell that I have come to associate with him and his car). Still wondering what Paul's car and Europtip have in common? Well my ADD rattled brain linked Paul's Mini COOPER and Cooper, the character from Eurotrip, together. One more association (feel like I am doing a 7 levels of Kevin Bacon here), Quincy (our dog) was almost named Cooper becasue of that movie. Come to think of it so would have been my cousin's first born had she been a boy. See what ADD does to someone? Anyway, gotta get off my break and back to work.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
But I can live without you if it makes you smile...
...titled after a line from a Butch Walker song. I was thinking yesterday how I used to catch myself out of nowhere smiling to myself or laughing at a random thought or stray memory. I don't think I have done that in over a year since I lost Paul and then my dog. I miss that. When it used to happen I would think how moronic I must look from someone else's perspective. I would be just laughing to myself while walking the street, sitting in the office, in a store, etc. Now, once again, I realize how something so simple can be missed and show the state of things. Nothing will ever be the same.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Nothing pisses me off more than a man that thinks because you are a girl you have no mechanical skills or can't lift anything. It doesn't matter that he is an idiot and could have wheeled in the stove on the dolly in a straight run by using the level front of the driveway and concrete paved path to the back door and straight in. No, he has to try and manuver it through the garage in and try and turn it on the narrow stoop with no room to get in the back door. And he won't ask for help because I'm a female. But it's ok to bang up the new stove, the floor and the door. Just don't ask for my help. Idiot! I could bench press him easily. Jerk!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Perpetually sad
Ever since the unveiling and the BBQ were over, I have felt perpetually sad. I can't seem to snap out of it. It's similar to last year when the Shiva was over and all the distraction is taken away. I must face the cruel reality once again that I will never see Paul's face again. I will never hear his voice. I will never smell or touch him. The closest thing is all the clothes left in the closet I can't bear to move or the pictures on the wall. I can't imagine any day when those things won't still be there. Maybe I am waiting for the impossible that if I keep them, he will be back for them. I don't know, but I am so very sad. I miss him and I miss Marvin. I will never understand why.
Friday, June 1, 2012
I missed a meaningful quote
I thought I would put a Hedwig quote in since Paul did that play himself, but I couldn't think of any lyrics off my head that would work. On the other hand I didn;t look that hard becasue John Cameron Mitchell was kinda a full of himself prick when we went to meet him. I guess I should have listened to the soundtrack (or Paul's) because this was appropiate (And Stephen Trask wrote it not JCM)...
Midnight Radio - Hedwig And the Anry Inch
Rain falls hard
Burns dry
A dream
Or a song
That hits you so hard
Filling you up
And suddenly gone
Breath Feel Love
Give Free
Know in you soul
Like your blood knows the way
From you heart to your brain
Know that you're whole
And you're shining
Like the brightest star
A transmission
On the midnight radio
And you're spinning
Like a 45
Dancing to your rock and roll
Midnight Radio - Hedwig And the Anry Inch
Rain falls hard
Burns dry
A dream
Or a song
That hits you so hard
Filling you up
And suddenly gone
Breath Feel Love
Give Free
Know in you soul
Like your blood knows the way
From you heart to your brain
Know that you're whole
And you're shining
Like the brightest star
A transmission
On the midnight radio
And you're spinning
Like a 45
Dancing to your rock and roll
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Outtakes (quotes not used for eulogy)
Hall and Oats
Wreck Me
Enuff Znuff- Missing You
By Your Side - Enuff Znuff
Songs to look at...
I can
dream about you
In my dreams we’re still ??
And you’re still a part of me
In my dreams we’re still ??
And you’re still a part of me
Someday we’ll know
Why love can’t move a mountain
Someday We’ll know
Why the sky is blue
Someday we’ll know
Why I wasn’t there for you
Someday we’ll know
Why love can’t move a mountain
Someday We’ll know
Why the sky is blue
Someday we’ll know
Why I wasn’t there for you
Bon Jovi - Always
I say
to you until the end of time
I will love
And I’ll be there forever
I will love
And I’ll be there forever
Butch Walker – Maybe It's just Me
Cause I
can’t live if you’re not happy
I can’t live if you cry
But I can live without you
If it makes me smile
Butch Walker - Ships in a BottleI can’t live if you cry
But I can live without you
If it makes me smile
But I haven’t done that in the last few weeks or so
I can’t refill anything
Especially my heart
Especially my brain
Butch Walker –But I haven’t done that in the last few weeks or so
I can’t refill anything
Especially my heart
Especially my brain
Wreck me
Stereophonics - "Rewind"
Enuff Znuff- Missing You
I'm feelin' like I'm needin' a drink.
Here I am without you.
I can't go on I can't even think.
I'm a man who can't do
What I need to do
To get over you
After all that we've been through.
'Cause I'm wanting you
And I'm needing you,
And I'm missing you.
Oh, I'm missing you.
You left with out a trace
And no one can take your place.
'Cause I'm missing you.
'Cause I'm missing you.
I can't believe you're gone,
How am I to carry on?
I love you and I need you so much
But you're tearing me apart.
You've been so cold
You don't keep in touch
And all I want is a fresh start.
And I hope that I do
Get over you
After all that we've been though.
'Cause I'm wanting you
and I'm needing you.
Here I am without you.
I can't go on I can't even think.
I'm a man who can't do
What I need to do
To get over you
After all that we've been through.
'Cause I'm wanting you
And I'm needing you,
And I'm missing you.
Oh, I'm missing you.
You left with out a trace
And no one can take your place.
'Cause I'm missing you.
'Cause I'm missing you.
I can't believe you're gone,
How am I to carry on?
I love you and I need you so much
But you're tearing me apart.
You've been so cold
You don't keep in touch
And all I want is a fresh start.
And I hope that I do
Get over you
After all that we've been though.
'Cause I'm wanting you
and I'm needing you.
Enuff Znuff – Bring it on home
Tear my heart out if I could,
I really wish I understood,
Just exactly made you go,
I feel that I deserve to know.
Now I'm out of control,
Of my head, of my soul.
I don't know where to go.
Baby bring it on home,
Bring it on home.
You've got a place of your own,
Baby bring it on home.
Bring it on home,
Baby bring it on home.
You've got a place of your own,
Baby bring it on home.
I wear my heart out on my sleeve,
There ain't no one I can deceive.
Everything around reminds me of
You're heading out of town and I'm in love.
With my head in my hand,
Do the best that I can.
I'm a lonely, lonely man.
I really wish I understood,
Just exactly made you go,
I feel that I deserve to know.
Now I'm out of control,
Of my head, of my soul.
I don't know where to go.
Baby bring it on home,
Bring it on home.
You've got a place of your own,
Baby bring it on home.
Bring it on home,
Baby bring it on home.
You've got a place of your own,
Baby bring it on home.
I wear my heart out on my sleeve,
There ain't no one I can deceive.
Everything around reminds me of
You're heading out of town and I'm in love.
With my head in my hand,
Do the best that I can.
I'm a lonely, lonely man.
Enuff Znuff – Baby Loves you
When you're baby loves you
Nothing's gonna hurt you
Nothing's gonna hurt you
Enuff Znuff – Fly High Michelle
I wish you were here.
And now I'll live a life
Of could have beens
Until new life begins.
And now I'll live a life
Of could have beens
Until new life begins.
"If I'd Found The Right Words To Say" – Snow
Right about now, if
I'd found the right words to say
I'd tell you you're
safe and take hold of your hand
I'll be there by your
side for the rest of your life
Our bodies could fall
off the end of the world
Something told me
we'd be happy forever
I don't see how this
could change any of that
I will follow your
ghost as it climbs up the rock-face
And lie with you on
the grass above
And I'd like to change
all this
And I'd like to wake
up from this
By your side
How did we ever
survive for this length of time?
Living with only a
care in the world
But the light that
shines from her
Whenever she's happy
is worth every minute that we've saved ourselves
Maybe there's hope in
just one final second
A flash of her love
as she waves us goodbye
Don't torture
yourself with what might have given
We did everything
that we could ever do
And I'd like to chnge
all this
And I'd like to wake
up form this
By your side.
Songs to look at...
Paramore – All I wanted was you
Alisha Keys – If I Aint got you
Avril Lavigne – When you’re gone
Prince – nothing compares2 uJourney
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Paul's Unveiling Eulogy (images below)
I don’t have the right words to say what I would like to
say, so I’ll steal them from music. I
think what I am feeling is best said by Phil Collins…
I look back at a beautiful life
Been the upper side of down
So take a look at me now
There’s just an empty space
And there’s nothing left here to remind me
Just the memory of your face
Take a look at me now
And you coming back to me is against the odds
And that’s what I’ve got to face
I wish I could just make you turn around
Turn around and see me cry
There’s so much I want to say to you
And so many reasons why
You’re the only one who ever knew me at all
There’s just an empty space
And there’s nothing left here to remind me
Just the memory of your face
Take a look at me now
And you coming back to me is against the odds
And that’s what I’ve got to face
I wish I could just make you turn around
Turn around and see me cry
There’s so much I want to say to you
And so many reasons why
You’re the only one who ever knew me at all
I came across so many
great lyrics in my quest to for the right epitaph. I knew it had to show who Paul was, that it
had to do with music and that it had to show our love for and from him. I really wanted to use Chris Unck’s lyric
that came out in a Butch Walker album after his death…
'Cause Today we're alive
But tomorrow, we could die
But I live knowing that I love
And I'll die knowing that I've loved
But tomorrow, we could die
But I live knowing that I love
And I'll die knowing that I've loved
It was perfect but it was a little too morbid for some. Then I thought about his childhood love of The
Who. He would watch the Isle of Wight
and Woodstock concerts repetitively and when they would come to “Listening to
You” he would say it was the pinnacle of the whole concert. So, I had to use “Listening to you I get the
music” because it was us and it is my stone as well . We always got each other with music even if
we didn’t always love each other’s taste.
We understood why the other loved it and could respect and appreciate
that. He even let me have my Cyndi
Lauper and Sebastian Bach obsessions…
I see
your true colors shining through
I see your true colors and that’s why I love you (CL)
I see your true colors and that’s why I love you (CL)
all the sleepless nights
Through every endless day
I wanna hear you say
I remember you (Skid Row)
Through every endless day
I wanna hear you say
I remember you (Skid Row)
Coming back to Paul’s childhood, Iva was his mom growing up
and he loved the Beatles so much he scratched all of Iva’s records trying to
play them himself. He played drums on
pots and pans in the kitchen until Iva bought him his first drum set. I just can’t help but repeating these
Beatles quotes…
And in
the end the love you take is equal to the love you make
I wake
up to the sound of music…There will be an answer….Let it be.
All the
places had their moments
With lovers and friends, I can still recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I’ve loved them all
With lovers and friends, I can still recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I’ve loved them all
That was Paul. If he
was your friend he was loyal and he would do anything for you. He loved you unconditionally.
Paul was like John Lennon in that he felt
All you
need is love
He used to go to all these concerts KISS, Van Halen, movie
theater showings of Led Zeppelin and The Who, Pink Floyd etc.
Open your heart
I'm coming home (PF)
I'm coming home (PF)
holding hands with the hands of time
Your can’t erase the love that you gave to me
You can’t put your arms around a memory (KIX)
Your can’t erase the love that you gave to me
You can’t put your arms around a memory (KIX)
If the sun refused to shine, I
would still be loving you.
When mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me. (Led Zeppelin)
When mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me. (Led Zeppelin)
I really love you baby
I love what you've got (KISS)
I love what you've got (KISS)
And I know, baby, just how you feel.
You've got to roll with the punches to get to what's real (VH)
You've got to roll with the punches to get to what's real (VH)
When we first met, he gave me a cassette tape of his band
Mother Mary. I loved it.
Life is
only time (Life)
time will tell if we will survive (only time will tell)
thought together we were locked in time
But I’m the one sitting on the outside (Survive)
But I’m the one sitting on the outside (Survive)
And if
I gave my love to you
Is that a crime
Cause that way I’m a champion
Any place in time (Just another day)
Is that a crime
Cause that way I’m a champion
Any place in time (Just another day)
was at my feet and I was only trying to be me (Just another day)
And you
have to pray
For another day (Just another day)
For another day (Just another day)
Had you
left this world
Chase you (Just another day)
Chase you (Just another day)
I will
breathe again
It’s like a dream come true
I’ll see you again
I will try and live again
baby hold me back again
And I will find something real and in my mind
I’ll give my love a thousand times
See me baby and I’ll go into this world
And then baby we’ll know (Only time will tell)
It’s like a dream come true
I’ll see you again
I will try and live again
baby hold me back again
And I will find something real and in my mind
I’ll give my love a thousand times
See me baby and I’ll go into this world
And then baby we’ll know (Only time will tell)
I even tried using Mother Mary lyrics with my own for an
Remember what I told you
Listen to what I say
Remember when I showed you love
And I’m never far away (Psychodrama)
Listen to what I say
Remember when I showed you love
And I’m never far away (Psychodrama)
Life is Only Time
You made ours divine (Life)
You made ours divine (Life)
He also introduced me to one of our favorites, I Mother
Earth, who we even travelled to Canada to see.
He even said that my trip to Canada to see/help his band Mother Mary in
the music fest in Toronto was when he realized I loved him and him me, even
though we weren’t officially dating yet.
I know
that I will live and learn
So more than survive
I will endeavor
So more than survive
I will endeavor
I can’t
change who I am now
But I’ll be fine in the next life
But I’ll be fine in the next life
Speaking of Mother Mary, they headlined for many unknowns at
the time who later became huge such as Sevendust and one of Butch Walker’s
offshoot bands (including a wine drinking night with Butch where we were so
drunk we lost his demo CD on the train home).
Speaking of Butch Walker, Paul was a fan since his heavy metal
debut. Paul even covered Freak of The
Week in his cover band Unhappy Annoying People.
As soon as I heard Marvelous 3 myself, I was hooked as a superfan. Listening to Butch gives me comfort now as it
always did. Some of “our” songs are from
I want you
I need you
I can’t live without you…baby
So baby don’t move at all
Cause you’re about to break my fall
Stay where you are, staring at the stars
Don’t ever move at all
I need you
I can’t live without you…baby
So baby don’t move at all
Cause you’re about to break my fall
Stay where you are, staring at the stars
Don’t ever move at all
Damn Damn Damn I love you
Like the stars that shine above you
Like the stars that shine above you
I almost used
Thinking of you with my last breath
But again it was too morbid, so it was only fitting to pick
the lyrics for the epitaph,
was just a word until you showed it to me”
And that is not just for me but to everyone who he
loved. Paul was obsessed with “Closer to
the Truth and Further From the Sky” which is a very spiritual and deep song
where Butch says
Cause the static singes the
speakers like
A thousand Hymns of inspiration.
And the road just winds through the canyon like,
A big black snake heading for salvation and I'm getting closer to the truth
And further from the sky.
A thousand Hymns of inspiration.
And the road just winds through the canyon like,
A big black snake heading for salvation and I'm getting closer to the truth
And further from the sky.
It is very interesting in hindsight to really analyze that
song. Speaking of “our” songs, we picked
Al Green’s “Let’s Stay Together”for our wedding song because it is simple and classic and is about
love, loyalty and commitment. Our wedding was a throwback. Rocked out 60s music for the most part. It’s almost ironic another way that we picked
“Another One Bites The Dust” by Queen to come out to. The wedding had songs with lyrics like
I love
you more today than yesterday
But not as much as tomorrow
But not as much as tomorrow
We picked another ironic song it seems. We ended the wedding with Prince’s Purple
Rain. We love Prince and that song is
one of our favorite songs.
I never
meant to cause you any sorrow
I never meant to cause you any pain
I only wanted one time to see you laughing
I only wanted to see you laughing in the purple rain
I never meant to cause you any pain
I only wanted one time to see you laughing
I only wanted to see you laughing in the purple rain
Paul always had a love for Styx. When he first was learning drums, he wanted
to play “Lady”
Love shines in your eyes
Sparkling, clear and lovely
Sparkling, clear and lovely
After Paul’s car accident took away his ability to play
drums, Paul was known to say often that he accepts not being signed when he
watches Todd play. I chose a measure in
Todd’s drummer companion book from a Styx song that was from the tour/album
when we first met Todd. I had it etched
in the stone to show Paul was a drummer and to pay homage.
You could be the light
That shines so bright
You show the way to go
Every star above reflecting in your sea of love
You've got to rise above it all
That shines so bright
You show the way to go
Every star above reflecting in your sea of love
You've got to rise above it all
Somewhere down the road that we
We'll be one with everything
And in my dreams I'm there by your side
Learning to fly again
We'll be one with everything
And in my dreams I'm there by your side
Learning to fly again
The world we see
Is a mystery
But we hold the key
If we have the faith to live
And believe
Is a mystery
But we hold the key
If we have the faith to live
And believe
Paul took me to so many concerts. Some lyrics that stick out are from Enuff
left without a trace
No one can take your place
Cause I’m missing you
No one can take your place
Cause I’m missing you
I wish
you were here
And now I’ll live a life of has beens
And I need you now
To help me through
To be the one
I know is true
To hold my hand
To keep the faith
To be my guard
To be my strength
And now I’ll live a life of has beens
And I need you now
To help me through
To be the one
I know is true
To hold my hand
To keep the faith
To be my guard
To be my strength
I even dragged Paul to a few like
You set
my soul alight - Muse
Look in my eyes
You're killing me, killing me
All I wanted was you (30 seconds to mars)
You're killing me, killing me
All I wanted was you (30 seconds to mars)
Then there were quotes from Paul himself and from bands that
were very similar. Paul said a few days
before his death on a sports site
“If you
can’t dream, then you have nothing”
And the band he was most recently obsessed with, The
Sterophonics said
Don’t be afraid to dream
Live n love n live free
Take my soul and live n love today
live n love n live free
Live n love n live free
Take my soul and live n love today
live n love n live free
Dream and be
What you feel
Don’t you compromise
What you wanna be
What you feel
Don’t you compromise
What you wanna be
He loved the Stereophonics and seemed to always be drawn to
drummers like Stuart Cable who passed way too soon like Keith Moon, John Bonham
, Eric Carr, and Ricky Parent. Who knew
he would join the list? Here are some
more from Stu (Stereophonics)…
I look back at a beautiful life
Been the upper side of down
I feel I wanna hold you
Wanna Tell you
That you’ll be alright
Sang this song today
It’s recalling your pictures
All in my mind
I miss you now
Wanna Tell you
That you’ll be alright
Sang this song today
It’s recalling your pictures
All in my mind
I miss you now
On the plane home from Scotland I had exclusively the
Sterophonics playing. This song felt
like Paul was speaking to me…
Think I’d like to stay a minute
Which gets me to Snow patrol, which I discovered after
Paul’s death and although very different than what I usually like, the
repetitive (which I usually don’t care for) and deep lyrics help sooth me.
In the
In the end
There’s nothing more to life than love
is there
You are the torch
And it all makes sense
I’ve waited here for you forever
In the end
There’s nothing more to life than love
is there
You are the torch
And it all makes sense
I’ve waited here for you forever
I need
your grace
To remind me
To find my own
To remind me
To find my own
All that I am
All that I ever was
Is here in your perfect eyes
They’re all I can see
All that I ever was
Is here in your perfect eyes
They’re all I can see
I guess I will end with some fitting quotes…
Snow Patrol
You’re the only thing real in all
I’ve done…
Light Up Light Up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I’ll be right beside you dear…
To think that I might not see those eyes
Makes it so hard not to cry
And as we say our long goodbye
I nearly do
Light Up Light Up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I’ll be right beside you dear…
To think that I might not see those eyes
Makes it so hard not to cry
And as we say our long goodbye
I nearly do
We will
meet again one day
I will shine on wherever you are
I will shine on wherever you are
I Mother Earth
Rise like the sun
The Mayfield Four
said (and that was the singer of the last band we were to see a day before I
left for Scotland but we sold the tickets last minute)
on Carry on my friend
Finally, another Butch Walker quote
If I could
be your chains
I’d fall from you
And let you fly to the angels
I’d fall from you
And let you fly to the angels
Eternally Yours,
Your wife, lover and best friend of whom you have captured
my essence, my soul, and my heart forever,
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Dear Paul,
I am having a really bad week and the rain doesn't help. I cry at the drop of a hat and am walking around an exhausted sleepless zombie and miserable. I have so many things to do for the Unveiling and get together Memorial Day weekend and am overwhelmed both physically, emotionally and financially. I am also so upset because I feel like I can't remember everything about you and our life together as clearly as I once did and I keep picturing Marvin and Quincy keeping you warm when you passed and Marvin when I had to put him down. I also see everyone happy in their lives and me not. I know I should live my life because that is what you want but sometimes it is so darned hard. I am so sad. I am quite miserable...worse than usual. I miss you dreadfully. Why?
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Dog Tired
Ok... my first blog since posting from Scotland on the day of my husband's death. I am writing here because I have been working for my job since yesterday at 8am and it is now 6:30am the next day. I know I will too tired to write in my diary to Paul like I have since I started a few days after his funeral. I just paid in full for the monument for my husband. I am pooped. I miss my doggie. He is at my sis in laws for a sleep over. He had his annual vet appointment today which he didn't enjoy. I'm sure he will be all about waking up while I will want to sleep all day. I hope I can drive home. I miss you Paul and Marv. I will love you both forever. Why?
PS- I am sure this is like the worst blog post ever. I will laugh later when I had a few hours of Zzzzz's.
PS- I am sure this is like the worst blog post ever. I will laugh later when I had a few hours of Zzzzz's.
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