Friday, June 22, 2012

And In My Dreams I'm there by Your Side...

So I wake having this dream where I am walking Marvin on a leash and Paul is with me.  We walk into this strange indoor outdoor petstore called or in Hollywood and Ted Knight (the actor) is the owner.  It felt at first like we were walking in Rockville Center.  The store is easily accessible since there is no walls to the outside.  There are these stairs with that fake green grass on top. Marvin is walking like he was a pup so he has no trouble pulling me to the store and up the large 3 steps.  Then there are pits like jungle gyms where dogs could get hurt.  I went in one to try and get Marvin a treat.  Marvin was scared for me.  Paul was outside the store just watching.  Marvin kept trying to eat or get to the parrots and I was afraid he's get hurt in the weird pits.  Haze.  Iva and I are watching House Hunters on TV and notcing how crappy an area this gorgous house is in CA and we say that is all we could afford if we moved there.  Haze.  Paul and I are looking at this house but we are more interested in this crappy basement apartment and trying to figure out how to make it into something an office or a livable apartment.

Then the alarm goes off.

I turn off the house alarm and walk by the fish tank to let Quincy out and the big clown loach is dead.  I hadn't seen the smaller one in a week.  Now there is only the sucker catfish in this huge tank.  Another end of an era.

I open the door and let Quincy out and there are 2 white butterflies kissing and then a third appears.

Just bizarre.  Had to share.

PS - Title is from Styx's One with Everything.

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